Fantasy Heroes Journey Futurespective


Take your team on a fantasy style journey with this retrospective/futurspective format. Restyling your team mates as a group of heroes on a quest to defeat the many-headed dragon of customer dissatisfaction and confusion.

This format can be followed up by other retro formats to continue the adventures of your company of heroes into an ongoing quest of epic proportions.


Warthur image
Agile Coach and Scrum Master@Sdu
Hello there! Nice to meet you. My name is Warthur and I have been a full time scrum master at my company for over 6 years and an agile coach for 2 more. I thoroughly enjoy empowering agile teams to grow through constant inspection and adaptation. Putting team members in the driver's seat in deciding what works best for them. Doing great retrospectives is my go-to way of achieving that goal. Here are some examples of the ones I did with my teams.
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