Getting to grips with Miro


We share this board with workshop participants in advance of an event. The workshops we run often require a high degree of engagement and activity on Miro and the aim of the board is for it to equip Miro beginners with the skills they will need to actively participate.

We have designed the board to be self explanatory. When I was thinking about the design, my biggest concern for somebody who had never used Miro before was that they might get lost on the board and have no way of finding their way or understanding what any of the menu functions were. I have therefore tried to structure the steps in such a way as to reflect the order in which a beginner will need to get to grips with different functions and to highlight where these can be found on the screen. For example, the user hopefully lands first on the board in a place that helps them navigate using either a mouse or a trackpad.

I have also tried to attain a balance between what somebody might need to know as a beginner and the skills we need a workshop participant to have to be able to use Miro effectively during our time with them, which can include some of the more advanced functionality such as uploading screenshots and embedding web links.

Hope you enjoy exploring our board and design!


Matt Stocker image
Matt Stocker
Director@Stocker Partnership
We specialise in working with internal teams to fast-track innovation, strategy and new venture projects. We’ll be your facilitators, trainers and guides.
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