Employer Branding Relevance Test


When to Use this Template

Before starting work on Employer branding - a long-term and very energy-consuming project - it is extremely important to make sure that it is the development of a convincing positioning of the company as an employer, and not the solution to a number of tactical issues and problems that can help the client achieve his current goals. In addition to the main project team, top managers of the company and key decision makers should be confident in the relevance of creating an Employer brand - this ensures that a sufficient amount of resources and efforts will be invested in the process and that good relationships will be maintained with stakeholders. The current template eliminates any doubts about the need to launch the project and helps to acquire a common understanding of the task at the earliest stage so that all participants are on the same level.

What is the Template About

The template developed by Møde allows:

  • to look into the root (hidden from most) reasons for the development of an Employer brand in a particular company - for what purposes the client needs an Employer brand and what aspects of the organization's activities in the future, it can affect.

  • to assess the reasons in terms of their significance - whether they are fundamental and directly correlate with changes in recruitment/retention of specialists, or are more related to current trends in the market (with the fact that most companies develop Employer brands, there is a certain fashion for Employer branding, etc.).

  • develop a comprehensive and convincing justification for the work on the creation of an Employer brand (especially relevant for the presentation of the project to top management) or consider possible tactical steps to improve the current state of affairs in the organization.

In addition, this template is a part of the educational intensive course on building an Employer brand of the company (it appears as a part of the first interactive day on immersion in the process of creating an Employer brand).

How to Use this Template

  1. Ask participants to individually determine:

  • For what purposes do they need an Employer brand (fill in pink stickers in the relevant area)

  • What the Employer brand can potentially affect within their company (fill in the green stickers in the relevant area)

Tip: It is important that participants describe each reason on a separate sticker - if necessary, they can create new stickers in the corresponding zones. The number of stickers per person is unlimited.

2. Ask participants to review the results of the first task and discuss them together. After the discussion, they should answer the question: "Are there enough good reasons to create an Employer brand?".

3. If the majority of participants believe that at least one of the highlighted reasons is of interest and working on it can lead to effective changes, then ask them to jointly identify and transfer the key reason(s) for creating an Employer brand for the company to the first choice zone.

Tip 1: When defining the most important reasons, if the participants can't come to a conclusion and summarise the answers, they can vote. The participants can vote for both green and pink stickers.

Tip 2: If the participants find it possible/necessary, they can combine the formulations of several reasons into one complex reason (in the area with the Final Version).

4. If the majority of participants believe that there are not enough reasons to launch the Employer branding process (none of the highlighted reasons can justify further resource costs), then ask them to:

4.1) Individually formulate possible steps (solutions) to improve the situation in the company in the absence of an Employer brand (fill in stickers in the free brainstorm zone).

Tip: It is important that participants record possible solutions on separate stickers. The number of stickers per person is unlimited.

4.2) Jointly discuss and select the 3 most important areas for work, ranking them by the level of importance from 1 (most important) to 3 (least important). The area can consist of 1 or several steps/solutions.

Tip: When defining the most important areas for work, if the participants can't come to a conclusion and summarise the answers, they can vote.


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Mode team
We are Møde. We specialize in strategic facilitation of decentralized teams. We know how important it is for teams to work in close collaboration with each other. We know how difficult it is to achieve this goal when people in a team are geographically far from each other. We are focused on ensuring your team creates solutions that will inspire them at each stage of implementation. Our key task is the performance of your team in full collaboration and synchronization with each other.
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