Embracing Womxn's Stories
This template presents an opportunity for women in teams to come together and reflect on their experiences on what it means to navigate the world today as a woman.
This is designed to be a 90-minute workshop and is divided into three parts:
Part 1 is for participants to reflect on their identities and experiences and share their stories with fellow participants.
Your Experience: Visualized: A data viz graphic built from participants’ identity and experiences
Your Story: A time for participants to share stories that inspired their answers in the the previous activity (Your Experience: Visualized)
Part 2 is for participants to think about fellow women who had their back or inspired them. Participants are also invited to share works or resources that inspired them or changed their worldview about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A woman who had my back: Participants share a specific woman in their life who held space for them or supported them during a time of struggle
Inspirational Personalities: Prominent female personalities who served as inspiration in terms of taking space or carving their own paths
Resource Recommendations: Any book, podcast, film, or resource that celebrates women and raise awareness
Part 3 is for participants to think about spaces, products, services, workplace solutions, tools, and practices that would make them feel more seen and supported.
At the end of this session, hopefully participants have learned more about their fellow participants and have built a stronger bond with each other and are feeling more empowered in navigating the world today.
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