Co-Creation Journey for Inclusive Tools
Develop prototypes for open-source assistive devices (careables) as an inclusive team
Through our Open Health Hackathons at BeAble, we've learned that any matching team can develop assistive technology prototypes in about 6 weeks.
Here we share with you our best practice workflow, including input videos, activity templates, and a detailed guide (as PDF).
It will help you have a great flow in your collaboration and independently create a prototype for an open-source assistive device (a Careable).
How to start:
- Watch the Intro video and read the Onboarding frames of the board. Get familiar with the structure of the Journey and download the Co-Creation Guide PDF for more details. - Start with the Team phase and the activity “Getting to know,” then always take the next step. - We hope you'll have a great time on the Co-Creation Journey!
Thank You!
A thank you goes to all Co_Creators of the Open Health HACKademies and MatchMyMaker! Especially to:
Adriani Botez, Alina Weber, Antonia von Reden, Christin Ursprung, Florian Huss, Isabelle Dechamps, Kate Kagioglidis, Kyra Albrecht, Beatrice Barth, Yi-Cong Lu, Karl Blütchen, Laura Pelizzari, Ferdinand Pechmann, Daniel Wessoleck, Tasso Mulzer, Lisa Djabbarpour, Nike Michel-Soth, Thien Thi Nguyen, Vlad Georgiev, Johannes Marx, Claudia Nicholai, Scott Bolden, Joni Zaza, Amelie Cayré.
Thanks to our partners:, HPI D-School Potsdam, Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT), Technische Universität Berlin (TU), Alice Salomon Hochschule (ASH), Machbar FabLab Potsdam.
Thanks to our sponsors:, Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt (DSEE), Stiftung Bildungschancen
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