Scrum Values Assessment

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What is this template about?

The Scrum Values Assessment Activity offers a great way to bring a team together to assess the team's agile values and brainstorm behaviours/patterns and anti-patterns for each of those values.

Who might benefit from this?

As a Scrum Master/Coach/Facilitator, you can use this assessment for teams new to Agile or ones practicing agile for longer. This is a 60-90 minute activity that could be run on its own or as part of a retrospective activity.

When to use this template?

It is great to use this template when new teams are formed, existing teams to recap Scrum values and as a general refresher.

How does this template work?

This template measures 5 Scrum values - Courage, Focus, Commitment, Openness and Respect.

1) Introduction

The activity starts with facilitator explaining the different Scrum Values and getting team to participate and what is their understanding of each of the values.

2) Voting

Introduce how Miro voting is done and ask the team to particpate and be honest in voting, how they think the team is rated for different values.

The voting is done anonymously by using Miro's voting feature.

The rating for each element goes from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Use a timer for voting.

3) Review the results and acknowledge lower as well as higher rated values.

4) Post voting discussion and brainstorm

Once voting is completed, explain that the team will now be split into smaller groups (recommended to split in smaller groups using breakout rooms, if the team size of more than 5) and they will be given about 15-20 mins to discuss the various patterns/behaviours and anti-patterns for each of the value. Explain it is as important to identify an anti-pattern as it is to identify a pattern.

5) Closing

Discuss the various patterns/anti-patterns identified and give opportunity for the team to explain in their own words what it means.

This is a great activity for self reflection. As a facilitator, be open to discuss an anti-pattern that you might currently be using and discuss how to plan to change that.

Acknowledgements: The idea for the 5 values image was derived from, but was designed from scratch using Miro tools and icons.


Kavitha Chandrasekaran image
Kavitha Chandrasekaran
Agile Consultant@Digitality, Sydney, Australia
Agile Coach and Transformation Consultant working with teams to embed Agile ways of being and doing. Love exploring and introducing new collaborative activities to create opportunities for active participation, creating ownership and generating new ideas.


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