Agile Game: Chairs for Team Self-Organization


This is an online version of the classic Agile game "Chairs" that teaches teams about the power of self-organization. It's a great icebreaker for new teams, a great addition to a Team Kickoff, and it works great in Retros for existing teams that need a refresher about self-organization. I've included some variations... reach out to me if you have ideas for more!

Participants: 2 or more

Time: 1 minute per round plus debrief

Objective: Do as many steps as possible in one minute.


  1. Pair up into teams of 2, with one person as the "manager" and the other as a "worker". If there is a team of 3, then only one person can be the "manager".

  2. Each team picks a team number and will use the post-it below with the corresponding color.

Rules (Round 1 only)

  1. Using your named post-it, each "worker" can only move up, down, left, or right one step at a time. Each square in the grid is one step.

  2. A "worker" may only move from square to square, and around the chairs. They may not climb over/on the chair.

  3. A "worker" can only move if and when the "manager" tells them to do so by giving them the direction (U-D-L-R). The "worker" may not step in the circle, and must stay within their square.

  4. Once the round starts, the "workers" may not speak - they may only execute the steps as directed by the manager.

  5. The "manager" defines a minimum number of steps for their team. They may or may not consult their "worker" for this.

  6. The "manager" counts and keeps track of their own team's steps.


Marina image
Agile Coach
I'm an Agile Coach and Workshopper who accidentally stumbled into Agile years ago... and I've been passionate about it ever since, even using it to manage my personal life and my family. I live to learn and I swear by the credo that work should always be collaborative and fun.
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