10 Virtual Ice-breakers
10 virtual warm-ups / energisers / ice-breakers offers a comprehensive set of virtual templates that can be used in any virtual workshop environment:
Where in the world? Use it as an interesting way for everyone on the call to introduce themselves and potentially expose hidden connections
Where in the world? What did you want to be when you grew up? What is your favourite ever innovation? What was the first album you ever bought? Use it as an interesting way for everyone on the call to introduce themselves and potentially expose hidden connections
30 Circles (Drawing) Use it as a way to help people think creatively
Draw your neighbour (Drawing) Use it as a way to help people get comfortable drawing and to drop their barriers
MVP - Minimum Viable Pet (Drawing) Use it as a way to help people get comfortable drawing and to draw attention to the fact that we don't need their ideas to be perfect
Your Journey here. Use it as a way to help people get familiar with the idea of a customer journey
The Sunset Challenge (Drawing) Use it as a way to help people get understand the importance of asking a truly interesting question rather than a vague one
They provide workshop facilitators and participants with a great way to allow everybody to quickly get to know each other within a group or team.
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