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Recap of Distributed: The virtual event to help teams adapt, evolve, and thrive

On October 13-15, we hosted Distributed 2020 — our second annual virtual conference. This year, we brought together industry leaders and experts to help answer the burning questions on the minds of thousands of teams working remotely around the world. How do you build trust? How do you make remote work more inclusive? Is working from home here to stay or could the future include a hybrid approach?

We had 24 information-packed presentations, interactive workshops, and panel discussions to tackle these burning questions. We hosted the event on Hopin, an online events platform, and were incredibly honored and excited to welcome over 30,000 registrants and between 1,300 and 3,000 live viewers for each session. A HUGE thank you to our speakers and everyone that attended!

Wondering what happened at the conference? We’ve gathered the video recordings, visual notes, and Miro boards for each session so you can put new insights into practice in your organization.

Explore the Mission Control board (designed by our partner, HUED) or follow the links below for information on a particular session.

Day 1

Keynote with Andrey Khusid, Miro co-founder & CEO

Join Andrey Khusid as he opens this year’s second annual Distributed conference, sharing insights on how to collaborate at scale, create empowered teams, and push the limits of creativity.

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Remote after 2020: Remote forever, distributed, or something else?

Leaders from remote-first organizations discuss the state of remote work during COVID-19, as well as the long-term impacts of the pandemic on the workplace.

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Remote after 2020: Remote forever, distributed, or something else? (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

Building an emotionally safe environment with Miro

Learn how to leverage facilitation techniques and tools in Miro to create spaces where participants feel comfortable to be open, vulnerable, and themselves.

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Remote productivity and efficiency

Four experienced facilitators lead an interactive activity centered around improving processes and prioritizing ideas, so the team can iterate faster and be more effective.

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Miro for product discovery

Passionate product management coach and consultant Tim Herbig shares insights and expertise on using Miro for product discovery.

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Inclusive research in a remote environment

Discover how to bring physicality into remote workshops with tactile tools and intrapersonal collaboration, based on findings from the inclusive research process.

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Building trust in a remote team: Post-COVID trends and methodologies

Get research-based strategies for building trust within teams and bringing these elements into remote work.

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The past, the present, and the future of Design Sprints

Design Sprints have been around for a while, but how can they be adapted for the remote environment? Hear first-hand from Jake Knapp, the inventor of Design Sprints.

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The past, the present, and the future of Design Sprints (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

Building trust and ownership in product management

David O’Malley, Senior Director of Product Strategy at GE Healthcare, shares techniques for building trust and driving accountability within companies of any size.

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Day 2

AMA with Miro’s Head of Product

Hear directly from Anna Boyarkina, Miro’s Head of Product, about her vision for the future of collaboration in this AMA.

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AMA with Miro’s Head of Product (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

How to implement DEI programs in remote teams

Miro’s Dejae Edison and Alena Harper, Talent Branding & Programs manager at Wrike, discuss the positive impact of diversity and inclusion on innovation but also why they’re not enough — equity must also be part of the equation in building innovative companies.

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Running interactive workshops and meetings

Miro’s Matt Mulholland and Lindsey Meredith share easy strategies for combating “Zoom fatigue” by turning any meeting into an interactive workshop using tools and templates available to all Miro users.

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Agile while remote: Notes on 2020

Agile experts from Etsy, Crisp, and Tandem Coaching share how teams can use Agile to master the changes that COVID-19 has forced upon their businesses.

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Building product-led companies in the time of uncertainty

How can you build a product-led company in times of uncertainty? A panel of product management experts share tips for tracking user needs, iterating rapidly on MVPs, and taking a customer-centric approach while implementing new features.

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Building product-led companies in the time of uncertainty (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

Day 3

Collaboration behaviors at scale in a distributed world

Learn how teams like frog design and collaborative enterprise software like Asana, Slack, and Coda are radically changing the way teams get work done together.

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Make your remote workshops more inclusive

See first-hand how hundreds of participants got to know each other, collaborated asynchronously, and aligned on decisions in this workshop led by frog design.

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Decision making at scale with Wicked Problem Solving

Tom Wujec, Founder and Executive Facilitator at The Wujec Group, shares a framework to help teams stabilize and fix any crisis, moving beyond it stronger than ever before.

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Evolving external collaboration for a new, interactive era

Professionals from three leading SaaS brands — Salesforce, Ceridian, and Citrix — share their tricks for turning meetings with external collaborators into interactive workshops that elevate customer relationships and help uncover new partnership opportunities.

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Collaborative IT in an age of remote work: How IT and business can partner to meet employee tech needs

EA’s Gopi Parampalli, Guidewire’s Chet Mandair, and McKesson’s Keith Pemberton talk about steps they’ve taken as IT leaders to build collaborative IT organizations and give employees the technology they need to quickly bring lasting value to users.

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How to find your best self and become a better designer

Veteran Silicon Valley design leader Irene Au shares her experience in helping CEOs build design-centered companies that customers love as well as tips for building a successful career in design, standing out in a remote team, and thinking like a great designer.

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How to find your best self and become a better designer (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

Advocating for UX in the enterprise: How GM’s UX team builds buy-in across business units for user-first design

Jerra Murphy, UX Researcher & Design Strategist at GM’s First Mile incubator, shares her approach to advocating for UX research within enterprise organizations and new strategies for keeping user experience top of mind for leaders.

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Driving connectivity and innovation in distributed teams

Heather Green, 3M’s Global Portfolio Director, discusses how teams can recreate the collaborative magic of in-person brainstorms so their brands can remain innovative in a remote work setting.

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Driving connectivity and innovation in distributed teams (visual notes by Bea Broskova, www.humancraft.cz)

Designing the future of distributed workforce

Atlassian Work Futurist Dom Price shares leadership tips, teamwork tricks, and research-based structures for understanding the new world of remote work.

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Unconference networking and learning: Find your next “aha” moment

Check out how Distributed 2020 participants shared their ideas, insights, and feedback during a virtual networking session.

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