What I Need (W.I.N.) Manual - Individual
The W.I.N. manual is a one-time lightweight reflection exercise that enables you to develop the next 'Best possible version' of yourself - including tangible small steps and actions.
As a bonus, you can set yourself up for a sustainable pace at work and beyond.
Possible goals:
reflect in a focussed way
create a starting point for a discussion with people you work (or live) with
discover what you need to work (and live) at a sustainable pace
Who benefits the most?
people who bring a curious stance to this exercise
people who frequently have more "tasks" than their (work) days have hours
all roles on cross-functional teams
How to use it?
Prepare for about 15-20 minutes uninterrupted time for yourself.
Fill the template with whatever pops to your mind.
Try to let it flow while writing! Your cognitive brain will possibly argue right with you that "this is (im)possible". Do NOT listen to that voice right now!
put a short retrospection date with yourself in your agenda
place the W.I.N. manual somewhere visible
see what changes evolve over the next 4-6 weeks
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