Product Vision Statement

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The vision statement workshop is your friend if you are building a new product or service.

What is a vision statement

A vision statement describes the desired long-term results of your product, service or company's efforts. For example, an early Microsoft vision statement was “a computer on every desk and in every home.”

Why use this workshop

I often observed people talking differently of a same product. As if the vision was not really shared, written somehow. So I designed this workshop, used and resused it to:

  • align people on a common the vision

  • extract the essence of the value of the product, service, or company

  • describ the value of the product, service, or company in one short sentence

When you should use it

Use it right after the user research phase (if you follow the HCD stages), when it is time to concretise the vision, the core value of your product or company. It extract what it brings to the table and will allow you to influence the following design choices to meet that vision.

Who should use this workshop

Leaders, Product Managers, designers are the most dedicated ones to use this template to work with the team that is working on the product or company.


Anne-Audrey Gounot image
Anne-Audrey Gounot
Lead UX strategist@Ubisoft
I'm a Lead User Experience Designer with a digital UI design background. Trained in accessibility and sensitive to eco-design, I am active in advocating more sustainable and inclusive design. In my current job, my role is to actively maintain a clear understanding of the employee needs, make connection with potential internal partners/ stakeholders and help to make the best decisions in influencing the products' vision and the priorities.


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