The Golden Circle


In the spirit of the Golden Circle, ask yourself and your team the three questions:

  • Why?

  • How?

  • What?

Consciously take your time and use the template. It may also be necessary to loop further and develop initial results later. We generally recommend to check quarterly if the vision still fits.

What is your WHY?

Clarify your meaning/purpose and why you are doing what you are doing by asking why.

The answer to this question should not be "because we want to generate profit" or "because we want to gain market share". Discover your real why or wherefore or for what!

What is your HOW?

The second question focuses on your approach and describes how you can make your goal tangible and achievable. This is about your unique selling proposition (USP), values, business models, value creation processes and all the things that pave the way to your why.

What is your WHAT?

With the last question, you answer what exactly you do to actually achieve your goals. This can be concrete actions, but also products, services or services.

It is important that your actions are derived from the other two steps. This is the only way to make sure that you know why you are doing it - and that you are motivated to do it! :)


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Content Creator@Leaders21 GmbH
We are convinced that quality makes the difference – and that leadership must be lived anew in the 21st century. That everyone deserves to learn and benefit from good leaders. And that good leadership means lifelong learning and continuous improvement.
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