Team Project Retrospective



0 - Fill in the intro board; everyone is encouraged to add a photo of themselves.

1 - Add a check-in question before you start your session and give people a chance to voice their answers during the check-in time.

2 - Fill in the agenda before the session; during the session share the overall agenda as well as the to-do's of the session with the team.

3 - Give time to the team members to fill their post-its on board number 3. There are pre-defined colours for the post-its; these represent "milestones" as well as thoughts of "what went well", "what needs improvement" and "actions and policies" that took place throughout the project. 3a - After everyone finished filling out their post-its, ask them to carry their post-its to the timeline. The timeline represents the entirety of the project from start to finish; in this way, people can add their thoughts (i.e post-its) accordingly.4 - End the session with a check-out question; add this to the board before you start the session.


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Gizem Akın
Architect @ATÖLYE
ATÖLYE is a community-powered creative services organization that places an Academy and a Strategic Design Studio within a vibrant Creative Hub.
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