Strategy to Reality


The Strategy to Reality Template is a 60-90 minute workshop template that helps to break down big picture, blue sky strategy into more tangible steps.

When to use it?

As a product manager or leader, it's important to clearly define what success will look like when you achieve your goals. Use this template to help articulate the goals of your strategy, collaboratively define the best ways to measure if you're getting closer, and outline some clear next steps. This is an especially helpful workshop when multiple stakeholders or teams will be impacted by/have strong opinions about your vision.

How to use it?

Ahead of the workshop

  1. Identify workshop participants and assign them to teams

  2. Take time filling in the Goals and what each means to you and your vision.

During the workshop:

  1. Review each of the goals

  2. Ask participants to score (by placing a dot) how well you're currently achieving that goal

  3. Brainstorm within assigned teams possible KPIs and choose 1 to focus on

  4. Brainstorm tests that could be run that would move the KPI in the right direction

  5. (Optional) Decide if the test could be run with current resources, or if additional would be required


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