Strategic Planning Board

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How we created the Strategic Planning Board for Distributed Teams

We are always trying to be our own customers and internally use the features we are developing first. That's why several years ago, when we started to work on the OKR solution, we decided to use OKR methodology for goal management. This led to the creation of our Strategic Planning Board.

Currently, we are using the OKRs approach for our company-wide quarterly planning: we start from the company’s Ultimate goal, use it as a guide to create key company-wide Strategic Goals. Further, each team defines their Team Objectives and Key Results to support the company-wide OKRs, estimates corresponding Features (divided into User Stories and Tasks) for the whole quarter and links them to respective Team OKRs. This ensures alignment of planned work with specific goals and expected results. Every team member understands how their work contributes to the company’s goals.   

Who will benefit from the Strategic Planning Board?

  • Companies searching for hints about how to set up inspiring and measurable goals at the beginning of each quarter, connect those goals to the backlog in order to focus the teams on what is really important, and reach tangible results at the end of the period. 

  • Companies with distributed teams searching for a Dashboard for remote Strategic Planning.

  • Newbies in goal management looking for a ready-to-use descriptive board.

Why you should use the Strategic Planning Board

Our Strategic Planning Board is driven by the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) goal management framework, which allows you to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals. It’s not the only goal management system available (and supported by Targetprocess), but it’s definitely one of the best in creating alignment in the organization. The OKR goal system ensures everyone is going in the same direction (focus), with clear priorities (clarity & transparency), in a constant rhythm (cadence).

Use our strategic Planning Board if you want to connect your business goals to your work items, engage teams around measurable goals, and improve the transparency of all your activities and initiatives. Just benchmark on our template and fill it in with your goals, expected key results, planned activities, and related user stories or other types of work items.


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Visual Software Platform
Targetprocess is a visual software platform that helps to scale Agile using various frameworks, such as SAFe, Scrum of Scrums, LeSS, and hybrid approaches. It helps organizations to align Business and IT by providing full visibility, traceability and dependency tracking at all levels: OKRs, Portfolio, Epics, Features, User Stories, and many others.


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