Stop the Dumb Sh*t
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What is it
The Stop the Dumb Sh*t workshop is a pragmatic step-by-step guide to tease out the problems you're creating for your target audience and prioritize which ones to tackle.
Step by Step Workshop templates
Interactive exercises
Why use it
Safely surface the dumb stuff
Build empathy and understanding across team members
Focus your limited resources wisely.
When to use it
Couple of scenarios
You’re facing a crapload of problems and not sure which ones to tackle
The team is feeling not heard and needs to safely get the pain airedLeaders are disconnected from staff/customers reality
Who should use it
Frustrated teams wanting to change business for good.
Matt Anderson
I run an award winning strategic design collective where we help organisations solve complex problems. Our approach is to build your team's confidence and capability to tackle the tough stuff, and make positive change happen.
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