Reflection & Planning
These templates were developed by Dark Matter Labs as part of the Life PACT project (LIFE20 CCA/BE/001710), which receives funding from the Life program of the European Union, in collaboration with Democratic Society, UPM, Leuven, Madrid and Krakow.
The templates are meant to support shared sensemaking processes for teams working on Nature based Solution projects but could easily be used for other types of projects by adapting the cards. They aim to help teams to reflect about what they have done and feed those learnings into ongoing planning processes.
The templates are meant to provide support when used in combination with the Planning for NbS Replication Step by Step Guide which is available at
Please feel free to adapt the process, add additional steps and make new cards. Be creative and adapt the exercise to make it work for you! Disclaimer: The information and views set out here are those of the Life Pact Consortium authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for these views nor any use that may be made of the information here contained.
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