Reflection Canvas - more meaningful progress


Ditch the New Year's resolutions, and choose better habits instead

Get more out of the year – or the project – ahead, and use this canvas to help yourself or your team capture smaller but more practical and effective changes.

This canvas uses the simple but effective ‘more of’ / ‘less of’ prompt as a way to help you see what specific areas you would like to improve.

When to use this canvas

  • At the start of the year, to establish some small but practical and effective changes to stick to throughout the coming weeks and months.

  • At the start of a new project, to galvanise a whole team, both individually and collectively.

  • At the end of a project, as a retrospective, or as a way of reflecting on how the project went, and how you and/or your team would like to improve.

How to use this Miro template

It’s simple to use, either individually, or as a team:

  • Reflect - Think about the previous year, or month, or project you’ve been working on

  • Think - What do you want to think more about? This could be about learning something new, or being more actively aware of something important to you. What do you want to think less about? Are there any limiting beliefs you are carrying, or worries you want to let go of?

  • Do - What do you want to do more of? This could be productivity-related, people-related, or learning related. What do you want to do less of? Do you have any habits that are no longer useful to you?

  • Care - What do you want to care more about? What would be better off, if you paid more attention to it? What do you want to care less about? Are there any worries or anxieties you have, that are holding you back?

Once you're done, read over what you have captured. Make commitments to yourself about the top things you'll do more of and less of, for more meaningful progress. 🚀

And remember: go easy on yourself, build day-to-day habits, and celebrate your wins! 💪


Ben Crothers image
Ben Crothers
Principal Facilitator@Bright Pilots
I really enjoy helping teams to think better, solve problems together better, and communicate better. I've been using visualisation methods and drawing at work for ages, and Miro's functionality suits my workflow - and the teams I work with - really well.
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