Bonial Principles Cards


The Principle Game helps you to reflect as a team or an individual on 5 Principles.

  • Own Your Impact: We strongly believe in the power of individual contribution.

  • People at the Center: People are more important than rules and processes.

  • Embrace reality: We value insight more than being right.

  • Leader-Leader: Decisions should be as close to the information as possible.

  • Idea Meritocracy: Best ideas are not set in stone and evolve over time. We cherish knowledge and curiosity.

The game helps you to understand these 5 principles better and reflect on associated behaviours helping you to become aware of your mindset.


samir hanna image
samir hanna
Agile Leadership Coach@Bonial
I work as a coach for Bonial to support people's growth and value contribution. I envision workplaces being joyful where people have healthy collaboration to innovate.
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