OKR Canvas


If you have been using the Objective and Key Results approach, I can bet that one of the most time-consuming phases is the drafting and alignment part. To make it even more complex, you need to do it in a remote team. So how to structure such activities? How to make them efficient, ensuring a distributed team can prepare and feedback OKR proposals? Here comes my OKR Canvas template in Miro!

Each OKR proposal is built from four areas:

  • Objective title - short, inspiring and easy to remember one sentence

  • Key Results - set of metrics with start and target values that measure progress towards your objective

  • Why now - explanation of your Objective importance.

  • Comments - any comments for your objective

So copy the OKR Canvas frame and start editing your proposal now. I recommend filling sections with stickies for ease of collaboration.

Finally, you can drag and drop the OKR proposal around as it is designed as a Miro frame. Just click on the frame's title and move it.

Potential usage:

  • OKR drafting to gather team's proposals

  • OKR alignment to get feedback on proposals and to show dependencies between goals.

  • OKR planning to categorise goals in Approved, Needs Clarification, Rejected states.

  • OKR visualisation to show which quarterly goals contribute to the annual one.


I’m passionate about mastering Strategy Execution through modern approaches like Objective and Key Results or Agile mindset. I support establishing Strategic Thinking in an organization to get the focus and to create healthy working culture. I specialize in building effective environment and driving company through the change. My wide experience in delivering projects and products help me to decide on the right methods and tools.
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