Michael Scott Retrospective

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Welcome to the Michael Scott Retrospective, a comprehensive agile template to celebrate the World's Best Boss. This template will enable your team to reflect on your sprint, identify areas of improvement, and foster innovation within their projects. So let's get ready to reflect, improve, and innovate, all with a touch of that classic Michael Scott charm.

How to Use the Michael Scott Retrospective Template

1. Start with the Emotions of Michael Scott Icebreaker

To set the stage for productive discussions, begin by using the "The Many Emotions of Michael Scott" activity. This activity encourages team members to express their emotions and feelings about the sprint, creating an open and inclusive environment for sharing thoughts and ideas.

2. Engage in discussion prompts

After the icebreaker, move on to the discussion prompts section. Here, you will find a series of thought-provoking questions that prompt team members to reflect on different aspects of the sprint.

These questions include:

  • What were the best parts of our sprint? Where did things go really well and what were our biggest wins?

  • What challenges did we face and how did we overcome them? What strengths did this uncover?

  • What changes happened this sprint? What future changes should we make? What should stay the same?

  • How do we encourage innovation within our team? How do we balance risk-taking and caution?

  • How do our communication patterns and styles feel? Do we miss the mark or are our messages landing well?

  • Who deserves some recognition and appreciation? How do we make recognition meaningful and consistent?

  • What emerging threats are circling? Are there any future risks we can get ahead of?

  • What gut feelings do you have about our future work? Are there any practices or patterns we should stick with?

  • Are there any educated risks we can take? Where could we be more brave to improve?

  • Is our pace sustainable and are we consistently able to deliver? How can we support each other maintaining a healthy balance?

3. Have your voice heard with the Desk Toy Dot Vote

Once the discussions are complete, it's time to prioritize the most important tickets on the board. Use the "Desk Toy Dot Vote" activity to allow team members to vote for the most critical items. This voting process helps identify key areas for improvement and guides the team in determining the next steps and experiments to undertake.

4. Rate the retro

To conclude the retrospective session, use the "Rate the Retro" activity. Place a medal icon on Michael, Dwight, or Jim based on the Return on Time Invested (ROTI) during the session. This rating system provides valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the retrospective and helps the team continuously improve their retrospective practices.


Dave Westgarth image
Dave Westgarth
Digital Delivery Manager@BJSS
Dave Westgarth is currently working as a Delivery Manager @ BJSS. He serves on software development, automation, cloud and AI/ ML projects across the spectrum of delivery approaches.


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