Kolb's Learning Cycle
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This template is ideal for users who wish to visually organize and reflect on their learning process, apply business theories to practice, and continuously adapt and refine their ideas and strategies.
Offers a practical and interactive way to engage with Kolb’s experiential learning theory.
It is organised into four quadrants representing each stage of Kolb's cycle:
Concrete Experience: Users can reflect on direct experiences.
Reflective Observation: Space is provided for noting observations and insights.
Abstract Conceptualization: This section is for users to develop their ideas.
Active Experimentation: Here, users can plan and track the application of their knowledge and strategies in real-world scenarios.
Dabo Owen Etela
I am a knowledge worker with interest in leadership, technology and business management. I have a growing interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity and Risk Management.
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