Kickoff Part 2 - Team Charter + Metrics


Kickoff Part 2 (for Part 1 use this >>link<< )

A Team charter contains a set of principles a team agree on which helps guide how the people involved work together.

Typically, principles are higher-level statements, and teams may then also want to agree on more detailed ways of working.

This covers how the team will interact with each other and work together to deliver digital products.

Team Success Metrics are derived from the needs and the type of initiative. They are important to agree early on and tracked against. Success Metrics will need to be reviewed and adapted as the initiative progresses through it's phases and team changes.

Team Performance Metrics are selected from a list of common performance indicators. They are important to agree early in the initiative and tracked against. Performance Metrics will need to be reviewed and adapted as the initiative progresses through its phases and team changes.


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