Kaizen Race - Retro Game


What is the Kaizen Race-Retro Game

 Kaizen Race-Retro Game is a board based retrospective to enable everyone to collaboratively share their impressions. It was designed to promote a fun environment during the continuous improvement sessions.


Each team member must choose a KAIZEN PLAYER to use during the activity.

  • The team must self organize the order of each player.

  • The players thorw a dice to know how many moves will do.

  • The player performs the action requested on the board, write it on a sticky note and place it on the appropriate column below.

  • The game follows till all the players cross the finish line.

Hints to improve your retrospective using Kaizen Race- Retro Game

  • Consider using a 10 faces dice in your retrospective

  • Mind the size of the team to set the time box for this activity

  • To make the game more fluid, the facilitator can write sticky notes to help the players

  • Celebrate with your team all the shared information. They will help in the continuous improvement process.


Felipe Cholla image
Felipe Cholla
Agile and Kanban Coach
Felipe is an Agile and Kanban Coach with over 10 years of experience in leading teams in information technology projects, providing training in agile practices and acting in mentoring processes
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