Insights Debrief


What is this template for?

Insights Discovery is a tool to help people understand why they choose to work the way they do, and why others may make different choices. Through self-and-other awareness, teams build more positive and productive relationships, which improves team effectiveness.

This template is for teams who have completed their individual Insights Discovery assessment and have received their personal profile. Teams use this exercise to debrief how they interpret their profile and help others understand them better.

How can teams use this template?


  • Facilitator: Create everyone’s Insights Profile. Change the order of the bricks to the order they received from their profile. Add pictures of everyone.

  • Pre-work for everyone: Read the profile beforehand and decide the items you want to include from the profile. Pick items that match you and are relevant to help the team better communicate with you. If a description doesn’t match you, don’t include.

Steps for the exercise

  • Self-reflection from Insights results. (5 min)

  • Understanding others. (10 min)

  • Elaborating and clarifying descriptions. (15- 20 min)

  • Wrap-up. Share learnings from this debrief. (5 min)


Silvie Liao image
Silvie Liao
Manager, Learning Technology@Contentful
I'm passionate about all aspects in talent development and customer education. As a former educator and a life-long learner, I've always enjoyed exploring different ways to make learning engaging and build effective teams.
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