Team´s High Performance Tree
Learning Objective
The High Performance Tree is a team exercise using the metaphor and image of a tree, to spark the conversation and create a vision to pursue high performance in your team. It gives you as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master a powerful tool to teach your team the values (roots), the characteristics of high performance (leaves) and the outcome (fruits) that comes with it.
With a set common goal to achieve, high-performing team members find themselves motivated, energized, and more creative. This exercise helps your team to define their high performance vision and it can be introduced to your team at any point of time;
When starting up as a new team to set expectations
When your team encounter a specific problem and needs new perspectives
You can use the suggested Scrum Values in the template or change the words so they are aligned with your company ́s values. As long as the values relates to Agile and are easy to understand, they will serve as a good foundation for the High Performance characteristics to thrive.
The High Performance Tree exercise is created by Lyssa Adkins and described in her book “Coaching Agile Teams”. This template in Miro is there to support you when teaching high performance and you want to create that in-person collaboration experience, even though you team are distributed. It gives your remote team an engaging and intuitive way to create their own path to high performance!
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