Halloween Prioritization Team Activity



Group size

A minimum of 2 players, but preferably more.

Game length

20-30 minutes.


Agree on the order of priority for the houses the team should visit to gather their desired candy.


Only one candy can be retrieved at a time, so the list must be in order from 1 to 30.

How to play

It is 6 pm, and you only have until your parents call you to come home to go trick or treating and gather all of the candy that you can. The good news is that one of the older kids surveyed the neighborhood and knows what candy each house is giving out. The bad news is that each house is giving out a different candy, and you can only get one piece of candy at a time.

As a team, list the candies in the order in which you would like to retrieve them.

Please feel free to swap out any candy if there are more popular options in your area!!

Inspired by Agile Sinking Ship by Henrik Ståhl


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