Exp Culture

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Workshop format to find consensus and align on initiatives to build a Culture of Experimentation.

Based on 10 pillars of Anthropology, with links to many examples. This workshops helps you think about ethics for your CRO / Experimentation program, helps you think of language, norms to agree on, what rituals to come back to, how to build community and more...


Lucia from Increase Conversion Rate.com image
Lucia from Increase Conversion Rate.com
Experimentation & CRO Consultant 🤓@Increase Conversion Rate.com
I've built my first webshop when I was 11 yrs old, and now improve and help run Experimentation Programs. I've helped startups to $1B companies, and influenced 25 million visitors by now. It's my personal mission to make the CRO/Experimentation space better and more inclusive, not because it's a nice slogan, but because I've seen it lead to more 💰 for organizations and better humans.


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