AB Test Storyline
Turn every A/B test into an exciting story. Learn how to tell the story of an Experiment.
Fill in the storyline template [based on 3 act structure]
Learn how tension rises and falls in a story
Get one example of an A/B test story
Get the attention your A/B test needs!
Learn how to present your experiment better at presentations, standups, stakeholder presentations, etc. As a writer and CRO Consultant, I found that every A/B test has a natural storyline that fits the traditional (theater/movie) three-act structure well. This will help you get more attention to your story!
Watch a video
Lucia from Increase Conversion Rate.com
Experimentation & CRO Consultant 🤓@Increase Conversion Rate.com
I've built my first webshop when I was 11 yrs old, and now improve and help run Experimentation Programs. I've helped startups to $1B companies, and influenced 25 million visitors by now.
It's my personal mission to make the CRO/Experimentation space better and more inclusive, not because it's a nice slogan, but because I've seen it lead to more 💰 for organizations and better humans.
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