Ethics in Data Science - Workshop

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Workshop on Privilege Awareness and learning about Ethics in the world of Data Science and Data.

We've created this as a public template as we believe education about Privilege and Ethics in the Data world can only improve how see and work with data and understand better how our work with data can affect other people.

The board can be used to help a person facilitate such. workshop and has links to preparation material before the workshop and during the workshop. The ideal workshop size is somewhere between 10-20 people. If the group is too small we advise keeping the personal privilege numbers private as anonymity would be impossible.

Please be mindful that these are sensitive topics and they might not work for everybody, and not all the exercises should be voluntary. People should not be forced to have conversations about their identity if they do not want to.

Workshop duration - 1h 30'- 2h

Recommended walkthrough:

  • introduction ~10 mins

  • exercise - voluntary 1 ~10 mins

  • discussion on privilege distribution of group ~10 mins (example question: How has your privilege helped you in life? )

  • short break ~ 5 mins

  • explaining part 2 ~ 5 mins

  • exercise 2 group work ~ 40 mins

  • collecting results and discuss ~15 mins

Run board in presentation mode and edit with info!


The material is used by the Data Science teams at Spiced Academy and neuefische in the Data Science bootcamps and has been developed by Paula González Avalos and enhanced by Tereza Iofciu


Tereza Iofciu image
Tereza Iofciu
Head of Data Science@neuefische
Tereza Iofciu is an experienced data practitioner, leading a coaching team and teaching data science at neuefische in Hamburg. She is a co-organizer of the PyLadies Hamburg group and is part of the Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct and Diversity & Inclusion working groups. She has been awarded the Python Software Foundation 2021 Q1 community service award. Recently she has joined the DISC Steering Committee team. She is also an Observable ambassador.


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