Double Diamond Sprint Ideation
This is a companion resource to the People First. Product Led: Lean PX Deisgn course. This is a template to be used by People Teams to create prototype concepts to solve business and PX challenges.
Sprint 1: Empathise - reflect on the end user, note down as much as possible about their emotions, context, culture, needs, expectations etc relative to the problem you are trying to solve.
Sprint 2: Define - What is the problem you are solving? Who is affected? What is the impact? How is the impact measured? etc
Sprint 3: Problem Statement - User the Empathy and Define sprints to create a problem statement
Sprint 4: Ideate - unrestricted ideation! Come up with as many possible ideas which could form part of the solution to your now-formed problem statement
Sprint 5: Refine - Group your ideas from sprint 4 to form some rough prototype sketches - discuss each sketch and decide on 1 (or a combination of multiple) to carry forward to the next stage.
Sprint 6: Prototype - flesh out your protoype concent to include; Key features, impact measures, baseline behaviours, and the UX journey - Give the prototype an ICE score (if you come up with multiple prototypes, use the ICE score to determine which to move to testing first).
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