Dilemma Postcards: Ethics Tools

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‘‘Dilemma Postcards’’ are communicative tools that will allow pactitioners to easily express, share, and resolve the dilemmas they face in their everyday practice through stories.

According to the A.E.I.O.yoU model (part of a bigger toolkit), this activity seeks to describe and create awareness of ethical dilemmas and tensions faced by practitioners (Individual, yoU), as they perceive others (O) and during interactions (I) among the practitioners, at the practitioner level.


  • Familiarize yourself with Ethical Dilemmas/Tensions cards (on the other sheet/board).

  • Identify Ethical Dilemma/Tensions based on your everyday work. You can also add your own ethical dilemmas to the list.

  • Recollect a situation in your everyday practice where you might have faced, might face, and/or facing these dilemmas or tensions.

  • Write to share your story. Think about who you want to share this with- CEO, teammate, manager, novice practitioners, etc. You can write it anonymously per choice.

  • Post the card to “Whomsoever concerned”. You can also make this a team practice to position a Dilemma Post-Box and refer to what is happening in your teams to build ethical products.

Tools in the whole toolkit


Shruthi Chivukula image
Shruthi Chivukula
Educator/ Researcher@Pratt Institute [School of Information]
I am an Assistant Professor at School of Information, Pratt Institute (Manhattan, New York). My interest lies in the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User Experience Design, Ethics and Values, and critical qualitative research. My quirky side, I am a doodler who named her doodles "Shruudles", a Carnatic Classical Singer, a plant mom, a Formula1 follower who does not know how to drive, and a great cook (trust me!).


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