Design System - Decision Flow


This decision flow helps to decide whether a design system is needed for digital products and/or websites, or whether the effort is too high at the current status of the digital transformation of the company.

A design system is a library of reusable components and guidelines that people within a company can combine into interfaces and interactions. But building them is a project in itself and can take a lot of time and effort, so for a lot of companies, it is a tough decision with a lot of stakeholders involved.

How to use the "Design System - Decision-Flow"

  • Start in the top left corner with the question "Is the goal of the project a relaunch, a rollout, or a complex product?"

    If the answer is "yes", follow the arrow to the answer: "You need at least a UI pattern library"

    If the answer is "no", follow the arrow to the answer: "no Design System necessary"

    After that, continue to follow the arrows, until you have a final decision as an output.

    Color code:

    blue = question

    black = answer

    orange = advise

    grey = short explanation


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