Customer Journey (Macro)
What is a customer journey?
A customer journey is a visual representation of all the steps a customer takes to complete a goal or task.
Think of it as a roadmap of the adventure a person goes on when they interact with a business.
It’s not just about the practical steps they take to achieve a goal, like browsing a website or purchasing. It’s also about the emotions they feel and the thoughts they have along the way.
In order to truly show how someone navigates through various touchpoints, a journey should always be shown from the customer’s point of view, rather than the perspective of business goals or processes. And, it doesn't have to stop in Miro, bringing your journey map into TheyDo helps to continuously evolve your understanding by using our Journey AI to abstract insights from your research to directly back to your journey. Integrate tools like, Qualtrics, Snowflake, and Jira to track solutions and metrics as well.