Cultural Check


This tool is still being tested. If you have any feedback or questions about the tool, feel free to send an email to: birgit.mager[at]

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The purpose of this tool is to visualize differences and similarities between the working cultures of your service design program and your public sector partners.


This tool provides a framework for a short workshop that should be conducted with responsible participants from the public sector organisation as well as the educators and students involved in the project.


It is useful to use this tool at the beginning of a collaborative project to build empathy and establish a collaborative way of working.


The working cultures and structures of public sector organisations may be different from those of service design program and the design attitude in general. This tool helps you to understand each other when working together, which in turn improves collaboration.


In the first step you define the working culture within each organization. In the second step you discuss which overlaps or differences are more or less relevant.


Students and public sector partners may need some facilitation during the use of the tool. The educator should fulfill this role by facilitating discussions and mediating conflicts.


How to Public Sector image
How to Public Sector
Service Design Research Project@Köln International School of Design, TH Köln
The publication "How to Public Sector? (2024, TH Köln, Birgit Mager) analyzes and evaluates collaborations between service design universities and the public sector. It provides an overview of different types of collaboration, identifies success factors that are crucial for effective collaboration, and offers recommendations and tools to support partners throughout the collaboration process.
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