Product Strategy Canvas


About the Product Strategy Canvas

The Product Strategy Canvas is a comprehensive framework designed to guide you through defining and executing a clear and effective product strategy. It covers essential aspects such as your product’s core purpose, vision, and the challenges you’ll face, along with detailed planning for current and future actions.

What it helps you achieve

This template helps you crystallize your product’s rationale, articulate a compelling vision, identify key challenges, and structure your strategic milestones. By focusing on a single, crucial problem at a time and linking your actions to measurable outcomes, it ensures that your strategy remains focused and actionable. It also aids in validating assumptions, setting priorities, and tracking progress systematically.

Who can benefit from using the Product Strategy Canvas

Product managers, strategy teams, and leaders in both startups and established companies will find this template particularly useful. It’s designed for those who want to refine their product strategy, align their team’s efforts, and maintain clarity on their path forward. It’s also valuable for teams seeking to integrate a structured approach to strategic planning and problem-solving.

How to use the Product Strategy Canvas

  1. Start by defining the core elements of your product’s strategy using the provided blocks and tips.

  2. Fill in sections such as “Your Why,” “Your Vision,” and “The Market Challenges” to establish a strong foundation.

  3. Use the “Current Focus” and “Discovery Track” sections to manage immediate priorities and validate your assumptions, while the “Delivery Track” helps you monitor progress on execution.

  4. Regularly update the “Future” section to adjust your strategy based on new insights and priorities.

Each section is designed to be updated at different intervals to keep your strategy relevant and aligned with your goals.

Tips and resources

This Product Strategy Canvas not only provides a structured approach to defining and executing your product strategy but also serves as a self-learning tool for product management. Each section of the canvas includes valuable tips and links to thought leaders and expert resources to deepen your understanding.

Whether you’re exploring the essence of your product's purpose, defining your vision, or identifying key market challenges, you'll find curated advice and frameworks from industry experts like Simon Sinek, Marty Cagan, Roman Pichler, Teresa Torres and more. These resources are designed to guide you through best practices and innovative strategies, helping you apply key concepts effectively while continuously learning and refining your approach.


Omer Sharon image
Omer Sharon
Product Leader@Omer Sharon
With over 20 years in product management and 8 years in executive SaaS roles, I’m passionate about solving problems and building empowered product teams. When I'm not working, you'll find me enjoying outdoor activities, playing sports, or spending quality time with family and friends. Hit me up at if you want to chat , or just follow my articles.
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