App Wireframe
This template is the design of an application's user interface. The interface in this template is for a medical alert application meant to serve as a warning system for those diagnosed with narcolepsy, predicting a sleep attack, allowing them to sit down, pull over, turn off the stove, etc.
This has the potential to allow people with narcolepsy to gain more independence without the constant threat of accidents.
Tammy Hartline
Designer/Developer/Engineer@Self- Internship Project Idea
This is the design for my internship project proposal. It is an alert system for people diagnosed with narcolepsy. It will be sync to their smart watch to monitor skin temperature sensor data. Based on scientific studies, people with narcolepsy experience a sudden change in skin temperature, right before having a sleep attack. This application can potentially warn narcoleptics of a sleep attack, allowing them to get to a safe position.
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