Action Board Activity


The Action Board activity leverages the 4X4 Effort/Impact scales to help teams prioritize solutions effectively. It visualizes which ideas pack the most punch for tackling challenges, ensuring resources are allocated smartly.

Teams assess and rank solutions based on expected impact and effort, identifying high-impact, low-effort options for quick wins while planning for the heavy hitters later.

Perfect for project managers and team leaders, this method boosts collaboration and keeps everyone on the same page. It fosters open discussions and provides a clear framework to prioritize solutions aligned with goals.

To use the Action Board: gather top solutions, rank by impact and effort, calculate scores, and map them on the Effort and Impact matrix. This straightforward approach streamlines decision-making and empowers teams to take action toward their objectives.

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Ryan Brooks image
Ryan Brooks
Product Discovery Consultant@Hard Knock Labs
With over a decade of experience in UX Design and Product Strategy across diverse sectors including Healthcare, Digital Marketing, and GovTech, Ryan Brooks is an independent Product Discovery Consultant. He assists complex SaaS companies in generating, vetting, and prioritizing product decisions through his Product Discovery Accelerator, which combines user research with effective design sprint facilitation.
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