1-2-4-all - CRO

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Find more solutions to your problems or research findings with this format. Use the 'wisdom of the crowd' in the right way.

  1. Start individually thinking about solutions to your defined theme or problem;

  2. Improve on your best idea by presenting it to someone else;

  3. Vote on ideas of others with dot voting;

  4. The best 3 ideas will pop out. Discuss them with your group and present them to the group.

This can be used for Product teams, marketing teams, experimentation and CRO teams, and UX or Design.

You can add all the ideas to a backlog and use a prioritization framework (PXL, ICE) to filter out any other impactful ideas.

As a consultant, this format has worked wonders for me. I found gold 🧈 in the ideas of people that would never speak, or it uncovered blindspots I had. This can be the start of successful experimentation programs and happy teamwork.

Search for Liberation Structures to know more. Read about Deep Democracy if you're really interested. Hit me up on Linkedin if you have questions.

Have fun! 👋


Lucia from Increase Conversion Rate.com image
Lucia from Increase Conversion Rate.com
Experimentation & CRO Consultant 🤓@Increase Conversion Rate.com
I've built my first webshop when I was 11 yrs old, and now improve and help run Experimentation Programs. I've helped startups to $1B companies, and influenced 25 million visitors by now. It's my personal mission to make the CRO/Experimentation space better and more inclusive, not because it's a nice slogan, but because I've seen it lead to more 💰 for organizations and better humans.


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