
Performance Improvement Plan Template

The Performance Improvement Plan Template is a structured tool for addressing employee performance and promoting actionable and clear feedback. Use it to align expectations and have better career conversations.

About the Performance Improvement Plan Template

A Performance Improvement Plan Template is a practical tool that enables teams and managers to collaboratively address and enhance performance issues. This template aims to ensure better outcomes and a cohesive working environment by streamlining communication and providing a clear roadmap for improvement.

What's a Performance Improvement Plan Template?

Managers and HR professionals use a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Template to address and monitor underperformance or behavioral issues in an employee. It facilitates open communication, clearly defines expectations, and offers a roadmap for improvement. Three benefits of using a PIP Template are:

  1. Structured communication: Instead of vague feedback, the template ensures that feedback is structured, specific, and actionable.

  2. Clarity and accountability: It clearly outlines expectations and steps for improvement, ensuring the manager and employee understand what's needed.

  3. Documentation: Provides a written record of performance discussions, which can be crucial for HR processes.

How to use a Performance Improvement Plan Template in Miro?

Using the template in Miro is straightforward. Let's go over each field:

  1. Employee info: Capture the basic details such as name, role, and department. It's the starting point to ensure clarity about whose performance is under consideration.

  2. Company expectations: Detail what is expected of the employee regarding role requirements, behavior, and performance metrics.

  3. Areas of concern: This section has three subfields: Problem: Clearly state the performance or behavior issue. Possible root cause: This is a space for managers to hypothesize or note reasons behind the concern, fostering a holistic understanding. Solution: Propose ways or strategies to address the problem.

  4. Action plan: Lay out steps the employee should take to improve. This could be trainings, mentorship, or other resources.

  5. Follow-up schedule: Schedule check-ins to monitor progress, discuss challenges, and provide feedback.

  6. Consequences of inaction: Describe potential outcomes if no improvement is seen. This helps in reinforcing the importance of the PIP.

Remember, a Performance Plan is not just about pointing out issues but paving a way forward for employees to succeed. With Miro's PIP Template, that journey becomes a collaborative and structured process.

Performance Improvement Plan Template FAQs

Is the Performance Improvement Plan a disciplinary action?

No, a PIP is primarily a tool to guide and support employees toward better performance. While it can be a step before disciplinary actions, its main goal is to provide clear expectations and resources for improvement.

How long should a typical PIP last?

The duration can vary based on the nature of the issues and the company's policies, but typically, it lasts between 30 to 90 days.

What if the employee doesn't agree with the content of the PIP?

It's essential for the manager and employee to have open communication. If there are disagreements, they should be discussed, and if necessary, HR can mediate to ensure fairness and clarity.

Can the PIP template be customized in Miro?

Yes, the template is designed to be flexible, and users can customize it to fit their organization's unique needs and processes.

Performance Improvement Plan Template

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