Who Is Most-Likely To...?


Welcome to the "Who is most-likely to..." Ice Breaker Game, a fun and engaging activity designed to bring your team closer together while uncovering the unique qualities of each member! Perfect for team-building sessions, workshops, or just a lighthearted break, this game encourages creativity, laughter, and a deeper understanding of your colleagues.

How To Play

Using Miro's built-in Private Mode (with optional anonymous mode), team members go through the list of questions and individually nominate who they think is the most-likely to perform/achieve the "question".

Once everyone is done, the Facilitator can turn off Private Mode and reveal the answers.

Unleash the power of team bonding and laughter with the "Who Is Most-Likely To..." Ice Breaker Game, and discover the surprising insights that make your team unique!


Paul Snedden image
Paul Snedden
Agile Coach
G'day, I'm Paul from the country where it's always tomorrow. You'd know it as Australia. I'm an Agile Coach, helping teams think differently to solve problems. I'm also a big believer in making work fun - one great way of doing that is by mixing up the normal drudgery of meetings. The templates I create here can be used to bring alignment and collaboration, but in fun ways using games, themes, movies, music. If you think it, you can do it.
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