Team Kick Off & Charter

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This is a compilation of the essential ingredients for a team kick-off meeting - Team agreement, team values, communication, the way to work, estimation, story sizing, scrum values etc.

It is a loaded board that will help any team get started on their scrum journey.


  1. Introduction

  2. Team name

  3. Team overview

  4. Sprint events

  5. Team work canvas

  6. Team working agreement

  7. Acceptance Criteria

  8. DoD

  9. DoR

  10. Acceptance criteria vs DoD

  11. User Stories

  12. Why do we story point?

  13. Story points and Estimation

  14. Fibonnaci Table


Abbie Ayorinde image
Abbie Ayorinde
Scrum Master@Key Bank
Scrum master and agile devotee currently working at Key Bank as part of the agile transformation team. I love Miro and will use it for everything if i could.


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