Secure collaboration checklist
This feature comparison matrix can assist your evaluation process by relating top considerations to product features. It also helps evaluators prioritize features and assess how well they relate to collaboration tool offerings and your organization’s unique security and governance needs.
How to use this template:
Step 1: Make sure the cursor at the top of the menu on the left hand side of your screen is highlighted in blue. (If it's not, click it once).
Step 2: In the matrix, double click the "Vendor" text boxes to edit the text and type the names of the vendors you are evaluating.
Step 3: Under each column, use ✅ or X to mark features as available or unavailable in. The first few rows have been filled in as an example.
Step 4: Export the matrix as a PDF using the export icon in the upper left hand side of the board and share findings with your team!
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