Platform Innovation Kit 5 - Discovery Phase
Platforms like Amazon, Spotify and many more are disrupting every industry (B2C and B2B) while showing hyperscaling growth based on network effects. Additionally the results of climate change are becoming more and more visible, putting us at the brink of an ecological collapse. It’s up to every business, startup or corporate, to combine the potentials of platforms with the principles of circular economy to form a new era of sustainable businesses – economically and ecologically.
We believe in this new concept of sustainability at scale and created the Platform Innovation Kit as the first innovation toolset to combine both worlds.
What is the Platform Innovation Kit 5
The Platform Innovation Kit is the first set of tools to support the ideation, validation, launch and scale of multi-sided & ecosystem-based businesses. For each phase – Explore, Launch, Scale – it provides canvases, cards and frameworks to empower innovation teams to build better platforms. It is based on the experience of building over 200 platforms worldwide and is used by corporates, startups and business schools worldwide.
Discover platform opportunities
In the Discovery phase the PIK helps teams to explore platform opportunities based on market and user needs, create a portfolio of concepts, select the right own and prepare the launch.
The Discovery Phase consists of 5 steps:
UNDERSTAND – Where is the market heading (trend analysis)
OBSERVE – What are inefficiencies in the market & supply chains
IDEATE – Create a portfolio of concepts
SELECT – Select the right opportunity
DESIGN – Design a platform business model & prepare for launch
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