PDCA Kaizen Cycle

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What is this board about?

This is a PDCA Cycle Board.

PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative design and management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the Shewhart cycle, or the control circle/cycle.

How can it be used?

You can use the board for Process Optimization or Product Optimiziation in different ways. Phases: 1. Phase: Plan, 2. Phase: Do, 3. Phase: Check, 4. Phase: Act/Adjust

In each Phase we need to check the 1H and 5W`s:

-How to improve?

-People & Roles

-What to do

-Check the timing

-Where to improve

-Needs & Expectations


You want to improve your Work Process?

You want to improve a Product?

Let`s get started: Plan, Do, Check, Adjust...


Andreas Lindenberg image
Andreas Lindenberg
I specialize in helping individuals and teams in introducing a new way of working with a practical approach. This involves changing the way they think and collaborate in their professional practice – putting Digital Transformation into action. Miro is my daily go-to; I've seen it, loved it, and am now hooked. Whether working solo or collaboratively, it's the centerpiece of my 'digital life,' bridging gaps that other tools can't.


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