Mother's Day Retro

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This template focuses on Mommy-isms - those things our mothers used to say to us growing up to celebrate Mother's Day.

It focuses on 5 of those nostalgic sayings to relate them to issues we want to tackle as a team and answer questions around People, Product and Processes during the last sprint.

  1. “Eat your veggies and you’ll grow up to be big and strong!” - What are those hard things we had to do but are good for us.

  2. “Don’t forget to say please and thank you.” - Appreciation for the team or process(es)

  3. "Pick that up before somebody trips on it and breaks their neck!" - What to avoid a.k.a lessons learnt.

  4. "Go to your room and think about what you did!" - What did we do wrong

  5. "I'm going to give you until the count of three..." - Action Points

The template also features an icebreaker activity.


Abbie Ayorinde image
Abbie Ayorinde
Scrum Master@Key Bank
Scrum master and agile devotee currently working at Key Bank as part of the agile transformation team. I love Miro and will use it for everything if i could.


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