Iceberg to Ideas

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Iceberg to ideas - a highly visual way to start thinking and seeing 'in systems'!

The Iceberg Model is a powerful tool used in systems thinking. It helps you see 'beyond the obvious'—observe the visible events and patterns to understand the deeper structures driving them.

'Iceberg to ideas' is designed so you can you and your teams can collaborate, here are the steps (there are more tips in the template).

1. Select something significant in your organization or around you that seems urgent, important or interesting

1. Identify areas within where there is an opportunity for impactful and sustainable change interventions

2. Use these 'leverage points' to come up with potential ideas for change

4. Prioritise those ideas so you can quickly take them forward to execution


Steve Morris image
Steve Morris
Design Consultant + Founder@Spark + Forge
I’m a designer, strategic thinker, collaboration coach and workshop facilitator with over 25 years’ experience. I help people to use design as a strategic power tool for better outcomes.


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