Avoiding the Five Deadly Sins of Strategy

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Get Your Strategy Moving: Break Through the Roadblocks

Do you have a strategy, but it feels like nothing's happening? Your team might be stuck because of one of the five strategy roadblocks.

These five roadblocks are the things that keep your strategy from becoming an active part of your team’s work. From being invisible to never changing, these problems can slow you down.

The 5 Roadblocks of Product Strategy

  1. Hiddenness: Strategies that no one sees or knows about cause confusion and scattered efforts.

  2. Ambiguity: Unclear strategies with no specific goals lead to aimless projects.

  3. Untrustworthiness: Strategies that the team doesn’t believe in cause resistance and low energy.

  4. Selfishness: Strategies focused only on certain groups harm teamwork.

  5. Staleness: Strategies that don’t change with new information lead to outdated decisions.

How to Break Through

The first step to fixing these problems is to recognize them. These roadblocks often happen because of forgetfulness, not on purpose, leading to confusion, slow progress, and missed chances.

Getting past these roadblocks means changing how your team thinks and works together. By understanding your strategy and using the tips here, you can turn your ideas into real actions.

How This Board Helps

This Miro board is here to guide you. First, you’ll set your strategy. Then, you’ll find out which roadblocks are in your way. Finally, you’ll do exercises to make a plan to overcome these roadblocks, helping your team take real steps forward.

Unlock your team’s potential and turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Let’s make your strategy an active part of your team’s success.


Adam Thomas image
Adam Thomas
Product Coach@Approaching One
I help transform product teams who are guided by theoretical, misinformed, or underdeveloped strategies into data-driven decision makers that effectively ship customer-aligned products. I prioritize discourse and conversation over top-down leadership to make space for the tension filled conversations necessary for driving results. Happy to chat - swing by http://www.theadamthomas.com to learn more.


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