Eye to Eye Retrospective

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Eye to Eye Retrospective

Retrospective is a time to reflect on the eyes and lows. Bring out your clear lenses and let’s see things differently with this retrospective template. 


Split into two teams, pick a subject from the sticky notes above the canvas, and then each person in the team takes a turn to complete the drawing on your canvas. Time each person’s turn to five seconds to keep this icebreaker fast-paced. 

6/6 vision? What went well?

Seeing everything clear? Good! Make a note of what went well in the last sprint. Use this time to also shout out your team members for their brilliant work the last sprint, because it’s never too late to say, “Eye appreciate you!” 

Blurry without glasses? What didn’t go well?

Prevent an “Eye didn’t see that coming” moment by reviewing what didn’t go so well because, well, it happens! Make a note using the stickies provided and discuss it with the team.

Seeing into the future? Take some actions

Based on what didn’t go so well, make a note of some action items that you come up with as a team and what you want to commit to. 

Okay, eye’ve said enough, that’s it. Happy retrospective!


Clyde D'Souza image
Clyde D'Souza
Software Engineer and Author
Hi, I'm Clyde. I'm a software engineer based in Auckland, New Zealand. I write about various technologies, teach online classes, make videos, and I'm also the author of a children's bedtime storybook!


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