Celebrating International Women's Day - Team Resources


How to use this board:

Celebrate and reflect with your team, and learn about inspiring women in tech!

This board contains a number of elements which can be used with your team:

  • An International Women’s Day themed trivia quiz (with a few Australian themed questions thrown in!)

  • A gallery of inspirational women in tech - and links to more information about their lives and achievements

  • Resources and links for further learning and support

  • Conversation starters to get your team thinking and communicating

  • Spotlight story on an amazing young Syrian coder, Aya from Homs

Shout outs!

This resource was created in collaboration by several women from the Aginic Crew. Thanks to Margie Iliescu, Olga Drath, Anna Fransson and Angel Chan for their contributions!


Margie Iliescu image
Margie Iliescu
Agile Delivery Lead@Aginic
With a background in Scrum and team building, I love creating online workshop experiences and content that isn't boring and that helps bring some fun in to people's work days! I'm also passionate about agile ways of working and the agile mindset.
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